Care Connections


Connecting primary health care providers and local health services in order to deliver comprehensive, person centred care.

Care Connections is one of three flagship programs making up Adelaide PHN’s Integrated Care Approach. The Care Connections program is being delivered in partnership with general practices working in targeted, high need areas within the Adelaide region.

The program brings together a suite of designed and commissioned primary care activities which are coordinated integrated and responsive to research regarding high-performing primary care.

The Care Connections program is about…

  • Person Centred Care
    Better health outcomes are achieved when people are supported to be equal members of their healthcare team, the Care Connection program promotes individual’s determining their own level of involvement in decision making.

  • Comprehensive Care
    Care Connections advocates for primary care to focus on the whole person – addressing their physical and mental wellbeing alongside their cultural and social needs.

  • Connecting Providers and People
    Clearer navigation, better articulation of roles, and proactive communication across the spectrum of care support people to transition smoothly across the healthcare system and ensure the right care, in the right place, at the right time.